Personal/family leave guaranteed under the federal Family Medical Leave Act, California Family Rights Act, California Pregnancy Disability Leave Law or the California Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act.

This is a constantly developing area of law that can be very technical and confusing.  Do you know how much leave you are entitled to under California law versus Federal law?  Do you know to what extent different types of leave run concurrently (as in if you take a leave of absence it depletes your leave time under two different laws simultaneously) versus types of leaves that can be stacked or combined to provide greater total leave than either law provides for by itself?

Also, there are several different laws regarding the circumstances and duration of paid leaves of absence.  Ultimately you need to know your rights to take leave and your rights to reinstatement upon the conclusion of your leave when are ready to resume work.  Contact me to discuss the legal protections and obligations applicable to any leave of absence you may need to take.